Jon Flax
■ Outline Setup Notes
GIZA QUASAR is an animation series. It consists of four episodes, each of four minutes in length.
The series is named after a fictional star.
The episodes tell adventure tales around GIZA QUASAR, its capital Fuga City and its inhabitants.
The series has been taped and stored on four videocassettes, one distinct videocassette system for each episode.
Episode 1: Philips VCR (video system from 1972)
Episode 2: Panasonic VX (video system from 1975)
Episode 3: Sanyo VCordII (video system from 1976)
Episode 4: Akai VK-30 (video system from 1977)
Once transferred, the original digital files were deleted.
GIZA QUASAR remains on the videocassettes only.
■ Outline Setup Notes
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